Principles and Practices

Instant shelter

Feb 22, 2018


>My final project is basically an wearable-infatuation shelter that will inflate in a cause of specific outside actions specifically in world’s . trying to keep as much lives as one could! it has been a very hard year in our Arab world, starting from latest war. i thought of children why not to protect them as simple as putting them in a shelter! There were three elements in my project:

/Affordable /Light weight /quick responseplus

add to make it locatable by GPS for a quick rescue. so i came across of wearable airbags that were used to protect Parkinson elderly patients. and read alot of articals about them. one article were talking about using a High-pressure Pump for faster response. as i went into a path were i worked on testing a parallel of design and here is the project management method | design of inflator-system | development and production of 3D-woven fabrics(small scale)

Inspiration one
Wearabe airbag for accidents protection
Stanford researchers test inflatable bike helmet
3d printied inflatables

surfed the internet for wearable airbags and found different practices for them , such elderly and bikers. those were set with gyroscope sensors to navigate falling accidents.

Donec quis molestie magna. Sed mattis ac nunc sit amet scelerisque. Curabitur a aliquam sem. Suspendisse condimentum elementum eros, a vehicula tortor ornare sit amet. Donec ac commodo enim, eget mattis ipsum.

surfed the internet for wearable airbags and found different practices for them , such elderly and bikers. those were set with gyroscope sensors to navigate falling accidents.

In dictum, magna non suscipit volutpat, ligula ligula scelerisque purus, et dapibus ipsum enim quis nisi. Sed eget faucibus velit. Integer in felis consequat, aliquam neque vitae, pellentesque nibh. Donec id lobortis risus, at finibus tortor. Praesent consequat elementum tristique. Sed dictum quis magna a consequat. Maecenas id malesuada sem. Phasellus pharetra odio purus, sit amet commodo tortor mollis ac. Donec gravida aliquet tellus.

Inspiration two

along side with the airbag design i found this artifical muscels that use air to move and handle loads i was thinking to add such a structure of an air bag since the load i am deaing with are counted as accedenlty "falling loads" i found this origami - artificial inspired from researchers from MIT institues